Micro Arti Visive - Silvia Salvadori the structure and soul of colour
Art Exhibition by Silvia Salvadori
Micro Arti Visive
Thursday 16th December at 18.00 at the Art Gallery ”MICRO ARTI VISIVE” of Paola Valori was the inauguration of the exhibition of Silvia Salvadori ”STRUCTURE AND SOUL OF COLOR” presented by the art critic Roberto Litta.
Silvia Salvadori is in fact one of the few artists to paint with the ancient techniques of Tuscan Medieval Art. Artist, archaeologist and conservator of cultural heritage – always in love with Sienese painting – Silvia Salvadori has specialized in the recovery of ancient techniques, and in particular the Tuscan ones of the 1300s and 1400s. From here she began a path of experimentation based on the study of the ancients cookbooks from the Late Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance, first of all the Book of the Art by Cennino Cennini (among the most famous treatises that have ever been handed down). He studies and deepens the painting of Piero della Francesca, reinterprets the language of Simone Martini, Duccio di Bonsinsegna, and all the greatest of the Sienese school, imagining landscapes, iconographies and scenarios of the time; and as then she faithfully uses powders and burins, with the addition of the thin leaves of pure gold, a precious element that she herself defines as “her signature”. The exhibition itinerary presents 10 unique works of their kind.
“A unique exhibition, a real three-day immersion in the art of the Middle Ages, not only to celebrate a historical moment rich in works and personalities, but also to meet a refined artist who found his main source in the ancient masters of inspiration, in a contemporary key “.
During the inaguration of the exhibition on 16th December starting at 18.00 took place a practical demonstration by the artist of some phases of the processing of a table: from the preparation of the canvas to the primer, up to the gilding and painting,a great opportunity to enter inside the artist’s works.
It will be possible to visit the exhibition on the following days, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th December from 15:30 to 19:00. A unique exhibition to not be missed!